Safely exit passengers during power outage events…
Avoid “stuck elevator” first-responder incidents…

Stuck elevators due to power outage are a serious concern, with the potential for trapped passengers that require the emergency dispatch of first-responder teams. If an emergency response is required involving fire department rescue services, the costs and damage to elevators can be significant — along with being a frightening experience for passengers involved.

A Battery Lowering Device can eliminate these potential liabilities reliably and affordably.

Safely exit passengers during power outage events.
A Battery Lowering Device can be a real “life-saver” by simply allowing the safe and orderly exit of passengers from an elevator, in the event of a power outage. When a loss of normal power is detected, the lowering device is automatically activated using its own built-in battery (no building-supplied standby device is utilized by the system). The device lowers the elevator to a pre-defined floor of the building, and opens the doors for passengers to exit. Once passengers have exited the elevator, the doors close, and the elevator shuts down. (As an added safety feature, the door-opening button inside the elevator remains active for any passengers still inside.) When normal power becomes available, the elevator will automatically resume normal operation. By ensuring the safe exit of passengers, this simple solution turns a potential emergency into just a minor inconvenience.

Avoid “stuck elevator” first-responder incidents.
In the absence of a Battery Lowering Device, elevators can become stuck during a power outage, and passengers can be trapped until power is restored — or until first-responder crews are dispatched to extricate them. In the latter scenario, when fire department teams are called, significant costs and damage to elevator systems can occur as a result of rescue and extrication efforts. In the event of a catastrophic, city-wide power outage, when fire department and elevator personnel are taxed with multiple stuck elevator emergencies, wait times for extricating stuck passengers can extend into hours or even days. It is a situation that every building management team wishes to avoid.

See if your elevator qualifies for a Battery Lowering Device.
If you have a hydraulic elevator that was installed in 1985 or later, you may be a candidate for a Battery Lowering Device. Even older hydraulic elevators may qualify for this important upgrade. Please talk to a Los Angeles/Orange County Specialized Elevator specialist to see if a Battery Lowering Device is right for your elevators.

A Battery Lowering Device is a great feature for office buildings, residential buildings, colleges and universities, and manufacturing facilities. It’s an affordable solution that supports your continuous efforts to make your building as safe and reliable as possible.